Welcome to Moorfield Primary School

Moorfield Primary School, which opened in 1963, is a two form entry primary in Hazel Grove, Stockport and is a maintained local authority school. The school has around 400 children on roll from Reception to Year 6 (age 4-11), which is made up of 14 mainstream classes and a Special Educational Needs Resource Base for around 27 pupils. Moorfield has been successful in winning its bid for the DfE School Rebuilding Programme where we will be provided a new or partial rebuild in the near future. 


There are three key stages in the school with one open plan class in Reception, two classes from Year 1 to Year 6 and a SEND Resource Base for up to 27 children from Reception to Year 6.


Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) – KS1 Building

This is the stage that refers to Pre-school (Nursery) and Reception. Children start in Reception at Moorfield, however there is a Pre-school on our school site, Moorfield Pre-school. Although this is a privately run provider, we have a strong working relationship with the Pre-school and the majority of these children to do move across to our Reception class. This year group follows the EYFS Curriculum.


Key Stage 1 (KS1) – KS1 Building

Often referred to as the ‘Infants’, this includes Years 1 and 2. These two year groups follow the KS1 National Curriculum.


Key Stage 2 (KS2) – KS2 Building

Often referred to as the ‘Juniors’, this includes Years 3, 4, 5 and 6. These four year groups follow the KS2 National Curriculum.


SEND Resource Base (Reception, KS1, KS2)

Moorfield has an Additionally Resourced Provision for children aged 4 -11 which we call our Kaleidoscope Provision.

This provides education for children with an Education, Health and Care Plan. Our resourced provision is made up of three SEND classes called the Kaleidoscope classes:

  • KT for Reception and Year 1 children. This class has 6 places
  • KM for Year 1 to Year 3 children. This class has 8 places
  • KP for Year 3 to Year 6 children. This class has 13 places

The children are taught by a specialist SEND team of teachers and teaching assistants. The children within the Kaleidoscope SEND resourced setting receive the majority of their learning within the classroom setting but can access inclusion opportunities into mainstream dependant on each individual child’s needs. All children in KP access assemblies, playtimes and lunchtimes within the mainstream setting.


In addition there is a privately run Pre-School Nursery and privately run before and after school provision provided by ‘Kids Childcare’ Hazel Grove on the school site.


Our aim is to provide a happy, caring and stimulating environment in which every child learns academically, socially, morally, spiritually and culturally, to be a good citizen in 21st Century Britain, as well as being part of a strong and supportive local community. We believe in RESPONSIBILITY, THANKFULNESS, COMPASSION and PERSEVERANCE.


I joined the school as Headteacher in September 2019 and the Deputy Headteacher was appointed in September 2021. In addition I appointed a new Inclusion Lead and a new EYFS and KS1 Lead. We are currently in the process of developing and improving our whole school curriculum, whilst working the local authority on our new build. This will support our aim of bringing excellence and enjoyment to the children of the Moorfield Community. 


We have a strong team of staff who are committed to providing a high quality learning environment where children can achieve their full potential. All staff work hard to maintain a safe and happy school, where children are encouraged to become enthusiastic, creative and life-long learners.


Children are valued as members of the school community and our Behaviours for Learning Policy places emphasis on celebrating success and pupils taking responsibility for their actions through a restorative approach.


Parents are encouraged to be active partners in their children’s learning through effective communication, regular information about children’s learning and progress, homework activities and a strong emphasis on developing children’s reading skills from an early age.


We have an effective parent and teacher group, the ‘Moorfield Home and School Association’ (MHSA), who organise events throughout the year so that parents can be involved whilst raising money for special projects within the school.


Our school benefits from the good support of an active Governing Body, who ensure that the school fulfils its duties and provides value for money. The Governors challenge the school to ensure that children achieve high standards both academically as well as socially.


Throughout every aspect of school life - including our curriculum, our relationships, our priorities, our pastoral care and expectations, we aim to reflect an attitude of ‘care for all’.


If you have any queries or require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the School Office on 0161 483 4521 where Mrs Robinson, Mrs Brown or Mrs Laforce will be able to help in the first instance.


If you would like to contact the Headteacher or any other senior member of staff, please email: admin@moorfield.stockport.sch.uk


Inspiring Creative Learners for Exciting Futures.


Paul Anderson



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