Inclusion Statement


Moorfield Primary School has high ambitions for all its pupils and expects them to participate and achieve in every aspect of school life.


We are an educationally inclusive school, where the teaching and learning, achievements, attitudes and well-being of every learner matters. We provide an inclusive curriculum which meets the needs of all our pupils, including those with disabilities, special educational needs, and different cultural and ethnic backgrounds. This includes those with English as an additional language. Learning diversity are recognised and planned for. Any barriers to learning and participation are challenged and removed. All pupils are provided with equality of opportunity. Parents are fully involved in the education of their children and they will be fully informed when special educational provision is being considered for their child.



  • All in school must be familiar with the requirements of the Statutory Codes of Practice for SEND and Equality and must ensure that the codes underpin all aspects of their work.
  • Everyone in the school community will ensure that there is no victimisation, discrimination, either direct or indirect, against any learner, especially those learners with special educational need and/or disability.
  • All must ensure that there is no victimisation, discrimination, either direct or indirect, against pupils on racial, cultural or ethnic grounds.
  • Everyone must ensure that children with an Education, Health and Care Plan of SEND are accommodated in this school unless it is incompatible with the wishes of their parents or the efficient education of other children.

SEND Information Report and SEND Policy

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