School is a partnership between child – teacher – parents/carers, and to ensure that the partnership is effective, communication needs to be regular and purposeful. Parents/carers and others with an interest in the school will receive regular newsletters and texts about the happenings in school, and we are always ready to receive suggestions concerning the things we should write to you about.

When your child joins Moorfield, as well as the school website, you will receive access to our Class Dojo. In addition, we hold Parents Meetings during the year when teachers and parents/carers can discuss progress. 

Parents/carers are always welcome to make an appointment to see the Senior Leadership Team or the class teacher. They can do this through the School Office (0161 483 4521). 


As a Parent/Carer I will:

• Support the schools Vision and Values.

• Ensure my child is punctual arriving on or before 8:55 (R/KS1) / 9.00am, (KS2), attending daily and collected from school at 3.25 (R/KS1) / 3.30pm (KS2) prompt.

• Ensure any absences are explained through a phone call on the morning of the first day of absence and subsequent days depending on the nature of the illness.

• Ensure my child is in correct school uniform including black shoes and takes pride in their appearance. They always have a PE kit in school.

• Refrain from using social media websites or blogs to discuss the school or share images of pupils or staff.

• Ensure my child follows all Behaviour for Learning Policy expectations, rewards and sanctions.

• Support my child with their homework and other opportunities for home learning and ensure they take pride in the presentation of their homework.

• Attend meetings about my our child’s progress and development.

• Work in partnership with the school to give my child the best possible opportunity for success and achievement.

• Inform the school immediately if there are any concerns or problems that may be affecting my child’s progress.

• Encourage my child to attend extra curricular activities/clubs that are provided.

• Ensure my conduct, behaviour and language is appropriate at all times on the school premises to ensure a good example is set for the pupils in school.

N.B. Failure to comply with this request could result in being barred from the school premises under section 547 Education Act 1996.


At Moorfield we welcome assistance from parent/carer/grandparent volunteers who will assist in listening to children read, helping groups of children in learning activities etc. Volunteers are given an induction and are required to undertake a DBS check. 


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