Neurodiversity Support


Everyone Can Gaming Sessions


Supportability Wheelers: Disability Cycling


Inclusive Athletics





Who are S.P.A.C.E. Stockport?

Stockport Parents of ADHD Children in Education (S.P.A.C.E. for short) is a registered children’s charity which supports families who have children with ADHD. There is no charge for parents or carers to attend our monthly meet ups, join our private online community or attend guest presentations.


Where can you find the SPACE Team?

They hold a monthly face to face meet up from 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm on the second Wednesday of the month at The Dog and Partridge pub on the A6 in Stockport. The meet up is for parents and carers only and there is no need to pre-book.


The website contains a lot of information about ADHD and includes links to a number of useful resources. It also includes links to our social media accounts where we share information about ADHD and other issues that may affect local families.


The SPACE team are volunteers, which means that they aren’t always able to respond to emails immediately. The quickest way to get hold of the team is often via Facebook



Dyslexia is a specific learning difficulty that affects the ability to read and spell. Dyslexia can also cause difficulties with basic maths (especially the order of numbers and multiplication tables), general literacy skills, word interpretation and perception, organisational skills, short term memory, sequencing and processing information.


Speech and Language

At Moorfield we deliver several Speech, Language and Communication interventions across the Key Stages. 


Speech Link is a multimedia package typically designed to help support children from 4-8 years with speech sound difficulties.


Language Link is a multimedia package typically designed to help support with understanding of language and concepts. We have both Infant and Junior Language Link. 


Please see the guides below for further information. 


Free online courses

Stockport is now offering completely free online courses around pregnancy, parenting and understanding the children in your life.


The courses are appropriate for anyone playing an active role in a child’s life, up until they are 19 – this could be mothers, fathers, partners, carers, professionals of all kinds, grandparents, other family and involved friends. They are split into the following topics:

  • Understanding your pregnancy, birth, labour and your baby
  • Understanding your baby (0-12 months)
  • Understanding your child (0-19 years)
  • Understanding your child with additional needs (0-19 years)
  • Understanding your teenager’s brain (short course)
  • Understanding your brain (course for teenagers)


The courses are available in multiple languages, and look at brain development, play, styles of parenting, sleep, temper tantrums, communication and more. Additional courses will be added as they become available.


They can be completed in privacy at any time of day – each course is delivered in 20 minute chunks.


How to access these courses for free

The course usually costs £39 per person, however by following the steps below, you can join for free:

  1. Visit the Our Place website
  2. Use access code ‘REDROCK’
  3. You will be asked to create an account so that you can resume the course where you last left off.

You will also be asked to verify your postcode to make sure that you’re a Stockport resident. This personal information will remain private.

Useful information for parents

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