Mission Statement​

​‘Inspiring Creative Learners for Exciting Futures’

​Moorfield is an inclusive school community where children are encouraged and supported to grow, thrive and be their best.

This happens through the provision of a nurturing and challenging environment, which provides rich learning experiences that allow children to show their qualities and skills both inside and outside the classroom.


'Inspiring Creative Learners for Exciting Futures’​

We aspire for the children of Moorfield Primary School to have the skills to be resilient, independent, confident and motivated in this ever changing world to take full advantage of all future opportunities.

Our Values

At Moorfield we have four core values at the heart of all that we do:



Giving our children the expectation to behave appropriately, make responsible decisions and have a role in their school and community.

Our children make informed ‘good’ choices as not only to become skilled learners in their learning journey but also well rounded citizens with spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness.


Giving our children the self belief to be determined individuals that value hard work, have skills in investigation and problem solving and a responsibility for their own progress.

Our children set goals to do their best and they are proud of all their achievements


Giving our children the humility to share in the lives of others, identify human suffering and take action to help, improve and transform it.

Our children recognise their own uniqueness and respect the uniqueness of others


Giving our children the reminder of gratitude, good manners, being appreciative and thankful for those things we often take for granted.

Our children are excited by their learning with all their talents being developed. They are appreciative and motivated to become life long learners and are able to take full advantage of the next stage in their learning journey.

© Copyright 2020–2025 Moorfield Primary School

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