Moorfield Houses


In 2021 the PLT (Primary Leadership Team) asked if we could create a ‘House’ system at Moorfield Primary.

Having a House system enables the children to get to know each other across the school, encourages teamwork, sports etc.

The children decided that we should link the Houses to our four school values of Thankfulness, Compassion, Perseverance and Responsibility. They also decided that each house should be named after an animal and they researched which animals would best fit each value.

These are the ones that they chose through their research:





The buffalo is an Earthly representation of bravery, freedom, kindness, strength and respect.

When you are in the presence of a buffalo, it is important to be THANKFUL. In Native American culture, the buffalo plays a major role in legends and traditions. The Native Americans were thankful for the buffalo because it offered safety, power and durability.



The dolphin represents harmony and balance. Dolphins are both highly intelligent and closely in tune with their instincts. Dolphins are a symbol of protection and COMPASSION. Their behaviours demonstrate that they are aware of others and are caring towards them. Those that travel the seas also see them as a sign of good luck. A dolphin accompanying a ship is seen as being an excellent omen.



The wolf is well-established for its sharp intelligence, self-reliance and has an appetite for freedom. Mysterious and intimidating, this creature is known as the symbol for PERSEVERANCE, stability, intuition, loyalty and success. For wolves, every day is about survival and they work hard together to hunt. Wolves never give up. They persevere, learn lessons from their mistakes and try again.



The lion is a relentless fighter in the face of life challenges. They are renowned for symbolising courage and strength in overcoming difficulties. Lions also patrol and defend their territory. Each lion has a RESPONSIBILITY in their pride. The female lions are primarily responsible for hunting and caring for the lion cubs. The male lions are responsible for protecting the pride.


Every child in every class across the school is allocated to one of our houses. Our Head Pupils and Deputy Head Pupils each captain a house. ‘Trackit Light’ points also count as ‘House’ points and there is a winning house announced in our celebration assembly each week. The winning house at the end of each half term will get a reward.  


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