SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) at Moorfield Primary School
Welcome to Moorfield Primary School SEND page. We value every child as an individual and recognise that all children, whatever their academic ability, can achieve and be successful. We are committed to providing an environment for learning for each pupil and fully inclusive teaching for all. We have an inclusive policy and aim to help all children to gain access to a curriculum with breadth and depth so that they can reach their full potential. We encourage in all members of our school, a code of positive behaviour, which promotes an understanding of the needs of others. We believe that every child should feel able to make a valued contribution to school life in order that self-esteem can develop. We aim to build each child’s self-esteem using a positive approach, while ensuring the setting of realistic, achievable goals which are closely monitored and reviewed. We respect the fact that children:
· have different educational needs and aspirations;
· require a range of strategies to facilitate learning;
· acquire, assimilate and communicate information at different rates;
· need a range of different teaching approaches and experiences.
It is extremely important to us that, as experts in your child, we value the impact on outcomes of co-production with parents and professionals.
If you would like to discuss SEND at Moorfield further, please contact our Inclusion Lead Mr Gareth Swire
Our offer
Our vision statement is the back drop for all we do in school, including our work with our pupils with additional learning needs. The SEND Information report document gives families information about the variety of ways we ensure we support our children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to achieve their potential. We provide a full range of educational and pastoral support to all of our pupils and by setting realistic and measurable outcomes, those with SEND have the opportunity to make progress. The information here is general; each child is an individual and will receive unique provision and resources where necessary.
There are a number of reasons why a child may be identified as having SEND:
- They are having significant difficulty with their learning and making far less progress than would be expected.
- They have a specific learning difficulty, for example dyslexia.
- They have social, emotional or mental health difficulties.
- They have difficulties with social communication and interaction, for example Autism or language difficulties.
- They have sensory and/or physical needs, for example visual impairment or sensory overload.
Admission Arrangements for children with SEND
On our website we detail our school offer for children with Special Educational Needs. Details of admission into our Resource Base provision can be found under the Local Authority local offer. If a child has a Statement of Special Educational Needs admission to the school is coordinated by the Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council Special Educational Needs Team who can be contacted through the Council switchboard on 0161-480 4949.
The School Vision, Values and Aims set out our intentions for ALL children. As part of our quest to become a fully inclusive school we make every effort to provide whatever is required to meet the needs of all the children. Our formal curriculum, our extra-curricular activities and our educational visits (including residential educational visits) are planned to enable every child to take part to the best of their ability.
The large majority of the School is on one level, and there is wheelchair access to all areas, although several areas need to be accessed through external doors rather than through internal corridors. There are toilet facilities for people with disabilities available in the Rec/KS1 building.
Stockport Local Offer
Press here to see Stockport Local Offer
Please click this link to access the Stockport Entitlement Framework page. This is a very comprehensive document outlining best practice for all and co-production between schools and parents and children. This is part of our continuous development and planning and is an integral part of teaching practice at Moorfield.
Please see our Policies page for the latest SEND policy:
For additional support for families please also see: