Kaleidoscope Principles of Learning are based on our School Mission Statement

“Inspiring Creative Learners for Exciting Futures.”

  • To foster independence and enable our children to learn valuable life skills.
  • To support our children’s voice and develop their emotional wellbeing.
  • To engage our children in learning through rich and positive experiences.
  • To develop social skills that equip children to build friendships.
  • To develop skills in collaborating and working well with others


Specialist Classrooms

In Kaleidoscope we have two classes for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, with an EHCP in place.  Our first class offers up to eight places for children in Key Stage One.

Our second class provides for up to twelve children within Key Stage Two.  

Within our setting the uniqueness of each child is recognised and valued. The steps of progress children make on their individual journeys are celebrated. We work closely with parents/carers and other professionals to support children’s development and learning.

Our provision is nurturing, with the children’s needs being at the heart of everything we do. We aim to ensure that the children are happy, motivated and confident learners. The well-being of every child is our main priority.

Speech and Language forms an integral part of our day, with classes using a Total Communication Approach. This includes using signing and visual support to enable children to develop their social and communication skills.




We encourage a love of nature with lots of outdoor learning and visits to our Forest Area. 


To promote and develop personal and social skills children have opportunities to integrate into the mainstream classes. Independence skills and opportunities for general development are enhanced in this way. Inclusion opportunities are planned on an individual basis. 


Our Curriculum

We offer a bespoke, child-led curriculum that aims to enrich children’s learning. The personalised curriculum is grounded in children’s individual stages of development and their specific needs. Everyone has a carefully constructed Individual Support Plan based on his/her EHCP. 

The Curriculum is influenced by aspects of the Statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National curriculum Key stages 1 and 2. It is a play based curriculum with structured play, sensory activities and OT. Children follow a themed approach to learning. 

Integral to our Curriculum are the four core school values:  Responsibility, Perseverance, Compassion and Thankfulness  



Inclusion into the wider school promotes and develops children’s personal, social and independence skills.  opportunities are based on children’s individual development and needs.


Curriculum Intent


We aim for the children to develop a love of books and an interest in reading and for them to see the purpose of writing in a creative and meaningful way.

Reading Books: 

Children follow a whole word approach to reading alongside Phonics Teaching. We use the following Reading schemes: See and Learn, Pops Family and where appropriate the wider school’s reading scheme.


We aim to provide rich, experiential learning through play and sensory activities. Children’s learning will follow their interests with thematic learning.


The focus is on Speech and Language Needs, Occupational Therapy, Multi-Sensory Play and Physiotherapy. This provides children with an opportunity to develop and enhance their understanding of their world.   

Speech and Language:

Providing rich opportunities and the tools for communicating effectively. This involves small group work and focused one to one sessions based on targets set by Speech and Language Therapist.


We aim for children to gain the confidence to apply their developing Knowledge and skills to solve practical and every day problems. 



To captivate children’s natural curiosity and to explore the natural world around them.


Children learn to recognise and use a range of technologies identifying those used at home and in school. They learn to select and use technology for particular purpose.  Where appropriate we teach the three strands of computing.

  • Computer Science
  • Digital Literacy
  • Information Technology.

Children learn the importance of Internet safety.


The teaching of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development including British Values is integral to teaching and learning.

Children learn to develop their understanding of emotions, with each class displaying Zones of Regulation.

Circle time is a valuable part of our school day. Where appropriate children follow aspects of the One Decision Programme.

History and Geography

Geography: Children learn to explore our school grounds and local environment. They also gain an understanding of the wider world in which they live and begin to use geographical skills.

Where appropriate children will learn about other countries and cultures.

History:  Children will begin to

develop an awareness of the past using language related to the passing of time.

They will begin to explore changes within living memory. Where appropriate they will study the lives of significant individuals in the past as well as developing chronological knowledge by studying a period in History.


Children experience a broad range of Musical opportunities, enabling them to develop skills and express themselves creatively. Where appropriate children will experience Music using the Charanga Scheme. 

Physical Development

Children use the Motor Skills United Occupational Therapy Programme to develop all areas of motor and perceptual development.

Other activities include: dough disco, funky fingers, large scale mark making and ribbon dancing.

All children participate in P.E children lead an active and healthy lifestyle participating in Sports.



Participation in Mainstream P.E lessons are encouraged and access to activities is based upon children’s individual needs and Physical ability.

Throughout the week children in our setting take part in activities to develop gross motor skills.


Swimming forms part of the Curriculum for children in Year Three to Year Six. They attend weekly lessons throughout the year.  

Art and Design

Children develop key skills in using scissors and in using a range of tools. They engage in sensory and messy play. Children explore colour mixing and experience a wide range of media and Art techniques.

Children study Artists and art forms and are encouraged to develop their own ideas.

In food Technology children explore texture and taste. Supporting life skills they begin to follow a simple recipe. This can be collaborative work.


Repetition is essential to ensure children are making progress. Key concepts are continuously revised as they form the building blocks to learning. Children will be taught these important skills in a variety of ways. The children gain confidence during these sessions. The small steps of progress that the children make can then be built upon.


Outdoor Learning

Outdoor learning is an integral part of our learning process. It provides vital opportunities for the children to explore and learn in the natural environment.


Modern Foreign Languages

Children in Key Stage Two learn Spanish through a variety of songs and activities.


Kaleidoscope Long Term Planning

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